
Responsible and Transparent Management of Public Money – National Development is carried out based on democracy by prioritizing the principles of togetherness, justice, sustainability, environmental insight, and independence by maintaining a balance of progress and national unity. In order to make this happen, in addition to demanding a good state administration, which is transparent and accountable, effective and efficient, as well as professional and responsible, also requires the involvement of the people in it.

The commitment of the government and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the use of every rupiah of public money is the same. President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the submission of the audit report on the central government financial statements (LHP LKPP) in 2019 emphasized that the use of public money must be carried out responsibly and transparently.

“Our commitment, Mr / Mrs leaders and members of the BPK and the government, are the same. Every rupiah of public money in the APBN must be used responsibly, managed transparently, and maximally used for the benefit of the people,” said the President at the State Palace, Jakarta , on Monday, July 20, 2020.

In addition, no less important, budget management and governance must be carried out properly, well targeted, and carried out with simple and concise procedures through a fast process with maximum benefits for the people.

In the midst of the government’s efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts, the speed of using the budget obtained from this simple and concise procedure has become very crucial and beneficial.

“It is useless to have a budget but the budget cannot be spent quickly on the people even though the people are waiting, the people need it, when the economy is also in dire need,” the President said.

“Once again, steps are needed that are fast, precise, efficient, and certainly don’t forget accountability. This is very important,” the President added.

Furthermore, the Head of State also reminded that at this time extraordinary steps were needed to be taken by the government in the interests of the people, nation and state.

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