
During the Pandemic Period Online Tourism Campaigns Are Optimized

Detiktoday.com – The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency optimizes online tourism campaigns on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic as an “awareness” effort for foreign tourists (tourists) in countries focused on the Indonesian tourism market.

Deputy of Marketing for Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf Nia Niscaya said in a statement in Jakarta on Friday (7/17/2020) that tourism actors in Indonesia during the pandemic were more optimizing campaigns and online promotions for the foreign tourist market.

“We previously held an Indonesian Sellers Meeting (ISM) which facilitated our industry players to conduct virtual business-to-business meetings with tourism industry players abroad so that they could provide information regarding the current tourism situation in Indonesia, open opportunities, and share interesting strategies in an effort attract potential tourists in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Nia said.

The ISM was held for three days on July 14-16, 2020 with the aim of providing information regarding the current market situation of VITO and exploring business opportunities directly from buyers / wholesalers / associations from origination countries for sellers in Indonesia.

At the opening of this series of events, the Director General of the Asia Pacific and Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Desra Percaya, was also present leading the discussion towards addressing the impact of new normal for the tourism industry. According to him “New Normal Tourism to focus on certain countries, certain tourists, certain objects and most importantly now prioritize domestic tourism while building trust in the world community”.

“This activity is in the form of a series of online meetings, in an effort to be able to support sellers at the destination in order to get an overview and the latest situation updates on origination so that they can prepare business steps to be taken in the future,” continued Nia Niscaya.

Most of the tourism business actors, said Nia, stated that they are ready to conduct virtual business to business with partners in market-focused countries to work on tourism opportunities in the July-September 2020 period. “And the most important factor for welcoming tourists is the opening of the border so we all hope This pandemic is soon over so that tourism activities can be re-excited by the adaptation of new habits, “he said.

He also explained, in ISM Indonesia’s tourism industry can interact with partners from the Indian, Malaysian, Singapore, Thailand and Indochina markets.

Then on the second day covering the markets of South Korea, China and Hong Kong, the Middle East, France and Germany. The third day for the markets of Japan, Taiwan, Russia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK).

“It is hoped that tourism and creative economy actors can find out the condition of the community and establish communication with origination countries, especially among industry players (sellers, buyers, government) by bringing together inbound industry players and wholesellers / buyers as preparatory steps towards business to business activities,” he said.

Previously ISM July 14, 2020 took the theme “Market Updates and Business Opportunities for India Market”, present VITO New Delhi Sanjay Sondhi and Thomas Cook India Senior Vice President Suzanne Pereira.

VITO New Delhi Sanjay Sondhi shared the latest information regarding COVID-19 in India. He said, in India the COVID-19 case number was still quite high with an active case of 311,422 people, a recovery rate of 63 percent, and an estimated peak in August 2020.

“But domestic flights in India have started operating since May 25, 2020 with a capacity of 60 percent, while international flights are expected to start reopening in August 2020,” he said.

Sanjay Sondhi also explained about Bubble Travel, which for now there is no agreement between Indonesia and India, but the Indian government is trying to make the agreement with more countries.

On the same occasion, Senior Vice President Thomas Cook India Suzanne Pereira explained, Indian tourists are mostly discount hunters or discount-seekers, they will be very interested in the promos given by travel service providers.

According to him, collaboration between Indonesia and India is very important in this regard and can be a potential business opportunity to attract Indian tourists to return to Indonesia.

Regarding the wedding market segmentation, Suzanne explained that a large scale Indian wedding cannot be carried out during the new normal period, even though TA / TO can still make smaller, attractive and safe wedding packages for guests.

“In addition, we also need to focus on segments that are no less important, namely providing attractive packages for honeymooners,” he said.

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