

Detiktoday.com – The village-owned business entity (or synchronized as Bumdes) is a village business managed by the Village Government, and is a legal entity.

The village government can establish a village-owned enterprise in accordance with the needs and potential of the village.

Establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises is stipulated by Village Regulation. Management of Village Owned Enterprises consists of the Village Government and the local village community.

In the midst of the weakening of various business sectors due to co-19, as many as 10,026 Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) still survive and continue to conduct economic transactions.

This was said by the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, Abdul Halim Iskandar when giving direction to the release of the Tulung Agung IAIN Student Work Program (KKN) virtually, in Jakarta, Monday (7/20).

“What must be done today is to revitalize BUMDes more massively so that there will soon be an economic stretch and economic transaction activities in the village,” said Minister Halim.

Gus Minister, his nickname, said, of the 74,953 villages around 51,000 BUMDes had been formed in Indonesia. Before the co-19 pandemic occurred, around 37,000 of them had run businesses or had carried out economic transactions. Later, the economic activity of a number of BUMDes has decreased.

“Now when (pandemic) co-19, only 10,026 BUMDes are still conducting economic transactions. Indeed a remarkable decline. But there are still BUMDes who carry out economic activities even in very difficult circumstances because of the pandemic, “said Doctor Honoris Causa from UNY.

According to him, 10,026 BUMDes resistant to the co-19 pandemic are BUMDes that stand on the basis of community initiatives that have gone through economic and business studies.

Unlike the BUMDes which were established because the district government program, according to him, tended to be unable to survive.

“10,026 which survived turned out to all stand on the basis of a study of the economy and business carried out. This means that it stands because of a review of the level of community needs, not because of district government programs. So we use the buttom up system not the top down revitalization, “said the Former Chairman of the East Java Parliament.

Related to this matter, Gus Minister asked Students and Counselors of KKN IAIN Tulung Agung to assist BUMDes in terms of business planning. According to him, proper business planning and very influential on BUMDes resilience to economic turmoil.
“But remember, do not interfere with the economy of local residents,” he said.

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