
Alert! RI Economy ‘Haunted’ By Surging Unemployment & Poverty

Detiktoday.com – The pace of the national economy is haunted by unemployment and poverty. Moreover, this year it is predicted to be in the range of -0.4% to 1.0% because of Corona

Head of the Ministry of Finance’s Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF), Febrio Kacaribu, explained that the projected national economic pace is not a good scenario.

“2020 is trying to be in the scenario of minus 0.4-1% GDP growth. This is not a good scenario and that makes us happy but this is a scenario that keeps us from staying too deep,” said Febrio in the meeting room of the DPR’s Banggar, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/30/2020).

The projected economic growth has the potential to increase the amount of poverty around 3.02 million to 5.71 million people, as well as the unemployment rate which is predicted to increase by around 4.03 million to 5.23 million people.

“Usually we grow 5% per year at this time if we can survive at 0% that’s good, but that means poverty increases, unemployment increases, so the design of the PEN program is expected to reduce the risk of rising poverty and rising unemployment,” explained Febrio.

According to Febrio, several policies for the national economic recovery program will still be implemented in 2021. The reason is that next year it is still in recovery condition.

“In 2021 it is certain that what we do in 2020 will not change too much in 2021, especially for PEN to focus on MSMEs, the focus in the lower classes will continue in 2021,” he said.

For information, through the national economic recovery program (PEN), the government has allocated a budget of Rp. 695.2 trillion to cope with several priority sectors. The budget is allocated for the health sector in the amount of IDR 87.55 trillion, social protection IDR 203.90 trillion, business incentives IDR 120.61 trillion, MSME IDR 123.46 trillion, corporate financing IDR 53.57 trillion, and sectoral ministries / institutions (K / L) and local governments amounting to Rp.106.11 trillion.

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