BAKN Analyzes the Effectiveness of Transportation Energy Subsidies in Sukabumi – The State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) DPR RI held a Working Visit to Sukabumi City, West Java, to examine the effectiveness of the implementation of energy subsidy policies, especially in the transportation sector in the region. As well, reviewing the positive impact of energy subsidies on local communities.
The presentation was delivered by the Chairman of BAKN DPR RI Marwan Cik Asan after chairing the meeting of the BAKN DPR RI Kunker Team with the Sukabumi City Government, as well as the Transportation Service, ESDM Service, Bappeda regarding transportation users and Ekbang-KD Regional Secretariat of Sukabumi City, West Java, Tuesday (6 / 10/2020).
“We heard that the majority of Sukabumi residents are users of motorbikes and public transportation (city transportation). However, in the field we see that sometimes private car users buy subsidized gasoline or diesel fuel. Well, this is what we are thinking about how to be effective, so that the subsidy be on target to reach the poor, “said Marwan.
The politician from the Democratic Party faction stated that based on this review, in the future BAKN DPR RI will conduct various studies on the application of subsidies. Namely, the study of the option of driving subsidies nationally equal or subsidies based on segregation according to the situation and conditions of the community in each region.
“This will be studied, so that it can be applied whether the subsidies can be directly driven nationally is the same or must be sorted according to the social conditions of the community in each region. BAKN wants energy subsidies to be directly felt by the community. So that people can feel the presence of the state,” the Legislator for the Lampung electoral district concluded.