
Central Government Maintain BPK’s WTP Opinion – The Supreme Audit Board’s opinion (abbreviated as BPK’s opinion) is a statement of the auditor’s professional regarding the reasonableness of financial information presented in the financial statements based on four criteria namely conformance with government accounting standards, adequacy of disclosure, adequate compliance with laws and regulations, and effectiveness internal control system.

For four consecutive years the central government managed to maintain an unqualified opinion (WTP) from the BPK. The number of audit entities receiving the opinion has also increased from 82 entities in 2018 to 85 in 2019.

President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the submission of the audit report on the central government financial report (LHP LKPP) in 2019 which was held at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, July 20, 2020, requested that the inspection results be used as a parameter of improvement for ministries and institutions in managing their respective budgets.

“I ask all ministers and heads of institutions to make the results of the BPK audit a parameter of improvement, reform and changes in the management of the state budget,” the president said.

The President called on ministries and state institutions that have obtained WTP opinions not to be complacent and maintain it for the future while continuing to make real changes. As for those who have not yet received WTP opinion in their financial statements, the Head of State instructs to immediately make significant improvements and changes.

“I will continue to follow, monitor continuously, from time to time what are the corrective steps taken by ministers and institutions. The improvement steps must really be concrete and real so that every public money managed by the government can be accounted for and the money spent benefits for the people can also be felt by the people, “said the President.

In connection with the current situation where the budget of Rp.695.2 trillion has been allocated by the government to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 in the country, the President stressed that a very large budget must be able to produce programs and policies that are executed quickly, accurately, and remain accountable.

For this reason, President Joko Widodo expects support and assistance from the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) to assist the government in ensuring that the use of the pandemic handling budget can run responsibly.

“I invite all ministries and institutions to dare to run the program quickly but also precisely, but also must be accountable. I expect support and assistance from BPK so that the handling of this crisis goes well without any problems in the future,” said the President.

The Head of State also instructed all government internal control apparatus (APIP), the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Government Goods / Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP), to law enforcement agencies such as the Prosecutor’s Office, Police and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for put forward the aspect of prevention so that misuse of the budget can be prevented as early as possible.

“All government internal supervision apparatus (APIP), BPKP, and LKPP must be able to be part of the acceleration solution. To law enforcement, prosecutors, police, as well as KPK the prevention aspects must be put forward to strengthen good governance, transparency, and accountability,” said the president.

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