
Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security: Indonesia Has Extraordinary Potential Defense

Detiktoday.com – Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Moh. Mahfud MD said that Indonesia has tremendous potential in the defense field, especially its defense engineering capabilities.

“Then also sufficient equipment and the important thing is spirit. The spirit of striving for the survival of the Republic of Indonesia, which was achieved with great difficulty and we are left to inherit by enjoying it, “said Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security while conducting a working visit at Jalamangkara Detachment (Denjaka), Cilandak, Jakarta, Wednesday (07/29/2020).

“Our responsibility as children of the nation, how to maintain this independence, safeguard the sovereignty of the state, then prosper, advance it based on their respective functions. I said earlier that the TNI’s function is a defense function, “he continued.

The Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security emphasized that in the current reform era, defense and security must be placed within the framework of protecting human rights that have been included in the Basic Law and also used as provisions for all TNI soldiers in carrying out their duties.

“I have a guidebook here today, a guideline on how to conduct combat in accordance with international military law. The point is protecting human rights. So there should be no suspicion that for example the military is anti human rights, all the soldiers here are equipped with pocket books on the protection of human rights, “said the Coordinating Minister Mahfud.

It was stated that for the sake of protection of human rights, a terror case that had been dealt with within the limits given by the law continued with law enforcement. This is in line with the attitude of the government which is currently preparing a Draft Presidential Regulation on the involvement of the TNI in combating terrorism.

According to Mahfud MD, even though this matter was still considered controversial because terrorism was considered a criminal act involving the TNI.

“That is the order of Law Number 5 of 2018, where it says that in certain cases the act of terrorism can be considered an act of terrorism. Certain criminal acts or certain acts of terrorism are terror that cannot be handled legally, because of their nature, place and scale, “he explained.

For example, handling terror that involves international law or friction between two countries experiencing terror. It was said, for such cases the police could not necessarily take part in handling. Or terror occurs in EEZ waters where it is not Indonesia’s sovereign territory, but a sovereign right area.

“If it’s not the TNI, it can’t be. If it happens on a ship or in the air, that is territorial rights according to the territorial rights of the country which owns the ship. The police cannot enter, “said Mahfud.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court assured that the involvement of the TNI would be protected by law and indeed because there were real needs. When it is an act of terrorism, the military can participate on the orders of the President after being discussed with the Police, BNPT, and other stakeholders.

After to a certain extent, the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, the law will be handed over again to the Police. He also said that after discussing this matter with NGOs, friends of Political Parties, and across Ministries / Institutions, there was no other answer other than that the Presidential Regulation had to be processed for further discussion.

“According to the Act it should have been completed on June 21, 2019. But at that time we were busy facing the tumult of the Pileg and Pilpres, and after that we started thinking again. Once we think that, we are again confronted with the Covid-19 Pandemic. But we have agreed, Covid-19 will not turn off our duties and we will immediately continue the discussion, while upholding human rights, “said Coordinating Minister Mahfud.

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