Exploring the Food Estate in Central Kalimantan as a Potential Food Barn Outside Java
Detiktoday.com – The government is currently developing a food estate program in Central Kalimantan Province. The development of this food crop development center is expected to become a new food barn outside of Java and become one of the National Strategic Programs (PSN) 2020-2024.
As an initial step the Government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will begin to improve the irrigation network on a potential land area of 165,000 hectares (ha) which is an alluvial area, not peat, on the Ex-Peatland Development Land (PLG) located in the Regency Home Knife and Kapuas. The rehabilitation of the irrigation network will be carried out in stages starting this year until 2022.
The development of the food estate is also a follow up to the World Food Organization (FAO) indication that the food crisis will occur. The presence of this food estate is expected to become a strategic reserve of domestic food in the event of a crisis and can supply food in the form of rice, cassava, corn, or chili.
To find out more fully how the Government through the Ministry of PUPR prepares infrastructure development to support the food estate development program, watch the story of a journey along a new food barn in Central Kalimantan which will be broadcast on The Nation’s TV program on Metro TV on Thursday 30 July 2020, at 20.00 WIB.