
Realizing the Digital Transformation of the Minister of Communication and Information Invites Flores University Students

Detiktoday.com – In this increasingly developing era, which is the digital age, technology is a very important thing. The world is currently facing an era of technology or commonly called the industrial revolution 4.0.

This condition is marked directly by the use of digital machines and the internet which causes rapid and significant changes to all sectors of human life making it easier for humans to do various jobs.

Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate invites Floers University students together to realize digital transformation in Indonesia.

Minister Johnny reminded the public including students at the University of Flores to use digital facilities wisely and responsibly, to check and re-check before disseminating information, and to maintain ethics and morals in social media.

“Avoid and stay away from producing and crossing hoaks and disinformation.

Digital transformation has a prerequisite, namely the use and utilization of digital space by the public in an intelligent, good and beneficial way to the community, nation and country, “he said at the 40th Anniversary of the University of Flores from Jakarta, Sunday (07/19/2020).

According to the Minister of Communication and Information, Indonesia is currently in a digital era with the rapid advancement of information technology, which also allows the majority of digital communication and information.

“This has brought about a change in the social life of the people by opening up wider digital space, and forming a new set of virtual lives, as we face in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

The current Covid-19 pandemic has driven the acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia to enter a new era called the digital society era.

Minister Johnny saw that various community economic efforts previously carried out conventionally in physical spaces and physical markets (conventional), are now shifting and utilizing digital space, namely the digital economy through existing digital platforms.

“I invite the academics of the University of Flores to actively take part in digital economic endeavors, to create great work and superior and quality products through start-ups or small, ultramatic, micro and medium (SME) start-ups.

At the same time participating in the Proudly Made Indonesian National Movement to make a real contribution in our efforts to restore the national economy from the pressure and impact of Covid-19, “he said.

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