
The Case of Same Woman Marriage in Soppeng, Police : The Most Stunning Bridegroom

Detiktoday.com – The police are still exploring the role of the MTR, the bridegroom in the case of the marriage of fellow women in Soppeng, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). The police said MTR was determined to invite their partner to marry.

“Indeed, the MTR is just persistent, so from the results of the examination it was indeed he who was the most determined,” said Soppeng Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Amri.

Amri confirmed the two MRT parents knew their daughter was pretending to be a boy and would marry a daughter. But Amri said the police were exploring the possibility of whether both MTR parents could also be charged by the law or not.

“So we dig again. What was reported was the MTR by the female parents. But the role of her parents was also insignificant,” explained Amri.

MTR itself officially became a suspect on Tuesday (6/30). His act of falsifying documents led him to be charged by the police with Article 93 of Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, which threatened him with 6 years in prison.

“Yesterday I had already established and then I set the suspect for the woman who claimed to be the man,” he said.

The falsification of the document began when the MTR was about to marry his idol girl. But at that time he only had a family card document which mentioned the suspect was female. To facilitate his marriage, the suspect then committed a lie, blaming the gender data in his KK as wrong.

As a result, continued Amri, the suspect reported back the population event alias wants to re-create a birth certificate. The suspect did this so that he could change the gender of the women in his KK into men and then could make a resident identification card (KTP).

“The story is that he wants to report on a population event called birth (birth certificate), here he acknowledges there is no birth certificate, but it is strange because there is a KK already,” said Amri.

“Finally he said that his family card was in the wrong sex. So he reported back the birth event because he wanted to change his KK. If he changed his KK, his KTP could also be issued with the male gender as he wanted, “Amri explained.

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