This Relaxation of Regional Loans That Relieve Local Government – There was some relaxation in the arrangement of the Regional Loan scheme which on Monday (07/27) in Jakarta signed an agreement between the Regional Governments of DKI Jakarta and West Java Provinces and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) concerning the National Economic Recovery Loan (PEN). The relaxation is in the form of low-interest loans, the maximum loan period of 10 years.
“Apart from the APBN, the funds come from government debt which was purchased directly by BI with interest rates charged to the government at 0%. This is directly given to the local government (pass through). Beyond the IDR 5 trillion PEN, and from the IDR 10 trillion APBN, PT SMI already has its own program totaling Rp. 15 trillion, very low interest rates, the central government’s APBN obtains funding sources for this regional loan by 0% through the placement of government securities directly by BI (pass through), PT SMI’s management costs 0.185%, and 1% provision From PT SMI itself, their funding source is to provide Rp5 trillion, the interest is 5.4 %.The government will pay the difference with the cost of funds borne by PT SMI so that loans to local governments are close to 0 except administrative costs.The government provides a grace period of 24 months the maximum or during the project completion deadline The maximum loan period is 10 years due to funds from BI, the time period is between 5-7 years. “For 10 years, the government will take 3 years longer,” said the Minister.
In addition, these regional loan funds can be stated in the APBD / APBD Amendment and / or Regional Head Regulation regarding changes in the APBD details preceding the APBD Amendment.
“Within 5 working days report to the DPRD, so that the loan can be processed, and can be accounted for as the APBD,” said the Minister.
The Regional PEN Loans are managed by the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance and implemented through PT SMI (Persero) as a Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) under the Ministry of Finance.