BAKN Encourages Distribution of Focused Energy Subsidies on Target Recipients – Deputy Chairman of the State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) of the DPR RI, Ahmad Syaikhu, highlighted the energy subsidies for fuel oil (BBM) which are considered not very well targeted in the area of Sukabumi City, West Java. He revealed that there was still competition for subsidized fuel between public transportation and private vehicles.
Thus, Syaikhu pushed forward in the distribution of energy subsidies not only to focus on goods, but to focus on the right target recipients. This was conveyed by Syaikhu after attending the meeting of the BAKN DPR RI Working Visit Team with the Sukabumi City Government, in Sukabumi City, West Java, Tuesday (6/10/2020).
“Organda complains that sometimes when refilling fuel, they have to compete with private vehicles that shouldn’t use premium anymore. I think that’s one of the things to note. In the future, energy subsidies will really focus on who the recipient of the goods is,” he said. Shayikhu.
Not only that, this PKS faction politician regretted the absence of a digital nozzle tool at various Sukabumi gas stations to detect cars that received energy subsidies. To that end, Syaikhu encouraged all gas stations in the Sukabumi area to immediately digitize them.
“We see, the existing gas stations have not implemented or have not installed digital nozzle devices. So, they cannot detect which cars should be subsidized. I think in the future we have to use digitalization,” concluded the legislator for the electoral district of West Java VII.