The government is preparing a new normal scenario for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN / PNS) in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Secretary of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (PAN-RB) Dwi Wahyu Atmaji, this scenario was prepared as a guideline for civil servants to be able to work optimally as long as the COVID-19 vaccine has not been found.
"Yes, we just have to be realistic that there is no cure for this corona / vaccine, so we must remain vigilant," Wahyu told AFP on Saturday (05/23/2020).
Then, when will the new normal scenario for civil servants begin to be applied? According to Wahyu, this new normal protocol will only be issued after directives from the COVID-19 Task Force.
"Exactly of course waiting for the development of the situation and the decision of the Task Force," said Wahyu. The scheme for this civil servant consists of at least three components that are set to run the new normal scenario for the civil servant.
First, related to the work system, he explained that a flexible working arrangement system would be applied in which civil servants could work from offices, homes or other places.
In detail, this work system will regulate who and what type of work can be carried out with the work system. In addition, it will also regulate how many days a week the scheme applies.
However, when confirmed further regarding who and what age limits employees are allowed to move back, said Wahyu, the scheme is still under further discussion.
"Still being explored," he added.
Second, about the application of health protocols. Starting about keeping a distance at work, wearing masks and washing hands to prevent transmission of the virus during work. This scheme, said Wahyu, would certainly require adjustments to facilities and work space. Third, it also regulates the acceleration and expansion of the application of information and communication technology in the administration of government and public services such as e-office (less paper / paper less), digital signatures to reduced physical meetings (mostly meetings via video conferen
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