Minister of Finance Inaugurates Treasury Officials – The treasury function is one of the key functions within the Ministry of Finance (MoF). Changes in financial technology will provide opportunities as well as opportunities for the Ministry of Finance to update its treasury functions. However, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance must also adapt to changing policies to manage the shock so deep. This is a challenge that is not easy.
This was conveyed by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati starting his direction at the inauguration of high-ranking pratama officials in the Ministry of Finance’s Directorate General of Treasury in the Mezzanine Hall of the Djuanda I Building on Friday (17/07).
“I hope that the Heads of Regional Offices of the Directorate General of Treasury are officials who understand this change. Not just being an official in a region where all local governments rely on budgets from the Ministry of Finance, from the state, from the central government without them understanding how challenging it is to gather. Therefore, it should spend it well.
I hope that officials at the Directorate General of the treasury will be able to understand this change and continue to foster a new attitude on how to become a good treasurer, “said the Minister.
The Minister asked the Head of the Treasury Regional Office, especially those in charge in the regions to continue to actively engage in communication and coordination with the regional government so that in this Covid atmosphere state financial instruments could actually function in a timely, targeted and appropriate quality to restore social conditions. society and economy.
“We want to build our economy to be able to adjust to the challenges of Covid and be able to revive productive but safe activities from Covid. We ask all Head of Regional Offices to become leaders in the regions together with the local government to see and improve the quality of the people’s welfare, “stressed the Minister.
The Directorate General of Treasury also has the challenge and task of managing the Central Government’s Financial Statements where the results of the Central Government’s Financial Statements and the State General Treasurer have obtained an unqualified fair assessment from the Supreme Audit Board.
“I hope that the quality of the Central Government’s Financial Statements and the State General Treasurer continue to be well maintained, because it is our duty as state financial managers to continue to manage state finances not only responsibly but we can also explain and be accountable to the public through the central government’s financial statements with reporting standards based on good governance, “concluded the Minister.