
PBSI Home Tournament : Gloria Feeling Strange Playing Without Spectators

Detiktoday.com – PBSI Home Tournament but without spectators. Mixed doubles player, Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja, also felt something unusual.

Badminton is the most popular sport in Indonesia. Every tournament held by the venue was almost filled with spectators. However, the COVID-19 outbreak changed the condition 180 degrees.

All tournaments must be postponed, even if the tournament is held without spectators. The oddity was what Gloria felt in her first tournament at PBSI Home Tournament, after an independent quarantine for three months.

The PBSI internal tournament was held in collaboration with Mola TV to fill the vacancy of the international badminton championship and became a reference for holding other events.

“Obstacles do not exist. Just in the beginning it was strange because there were no spectators. Besides, competing to meet juniors in the tournament. But for a long time it was normal,” Gloria told Mola TV as quoted by detikSport.

Together with Hafiz Faizal, Gloria successfully passed the first obstacle on Mola TV PBSI Home Tournament at PBSI Pelatnas, Cipayung, Wednesday (1/7/2020). They won easily over the Teges Satriaji Cahyo / Indah Cahya Sari pair with a score of 21-15-21-10.

“The target in this tournament is to play maximally first because moments like this restore the air of the match first,” Gloria said.

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